The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is proposing the rule “Food Labeling; Revision of the Nutrition and Supplement Facts Labels”. This rule was created to provide updated nutritional information on the labels, which is consistent with current data on associations between nutrients and chronic diseases and reflects current public health conditions in the United States. The FDA is proposing the rule to change how nutrition information is introduced to consumers. There have been many changes related to nutrition regulations, which include the declaration of nutrients, the format of nutrition labeling, and permit for particular specified products to be exempt from nutrition labeling.
Description of the groups
The Wisconsin …show more content…
Therefore, it would worsen the economic situation for individual cranberry growers. The WSCGA is asking for an exception for distasteful foods like cranberry. Thus, it can be said that this comment is logical and feasible.
Comment from the POM Wonderful
The second comment that will be reviewed is from the POM Wonderful. The POM Wonderful is a private company, which sells beverages and fruit extracts, and their main product is pomegranate juice.
The POM Wonderful disagree with a few changes from the Food and Drug Administration supplemental proposal. Firstly, they believe that the Daily Reference Value for added sugars should be based on more reliable evidence such as the Institute of Medicine’s dietary reference intake report rather than relying on the 2015 DGAC report, which is still under review and not yet finalized (POM, 2). Secondly, the POM Wonderful thinks that the FDA should review the definition for “added sugars”, which currently claims that fruit juice concentrates contain added sugars (POM, 2). Therefore, their submitted comments are clear, understandable, and do not contain any …show more content…
Equally, the POM Wonderful does not add any support for their second claim, but believes that the current proposed definition will negatively impact the consumer understanding of the benefits of 100% fruit juice, such as Vitamin C and Potassium (POM, 2). The main motivation of this comment is to help consumers understand the advantages of drinking concentrated forms of juice because the current rule makes them to believe that it is not beneficial to drink juice. Another motivation might be to maintain their sales and earnings, which may fall if the rule is