1.The Government of Pakistan is a federal government established by the Constitution of Pakistan. Pakistan is a democratic parliamentary federal republic with Islam as the state religion.
2.Nawaz Sharif is the Prime Minister OF Pakistan and he is the most important man in the Pakistan state.
3.Masood Khan is the current Permanent Representative of Pakistan to the United Nations in New York.
4.The biggest threat Pakistan has, is its power shortage problem. Power can be out for up to 20 hours a day in the summer. Households cannot rely on their refrigerators and at factories, the workers say that they can’t operate their machines for enough hours to earn their daily bread.
5.Crime in Pakistan is present in various forms. Organised crime includes drug trafficking, money laundering, extorsion, murder, human trafficking, political violence and even terrorism.
6.Pakistan is a key transit point for Afghan drugs, including heroin, opium, morphine and hashish. An estimate 4 billion dollars is generated from drug trafficking in Pakistan.
7.Pakistan officialy joined the United Nations on September 30, 1947. Today, it is a charter member and participates in all of the Un’s specialized agencies.
8.Cricket is the most important sport in Pakistan, while squash and hockey are also extremely popular. Almost all districts and neighborhoods in Pakistan have a cricket team and people start playing at a young age.
9.One of the most important figures in Pakistan is actually a cricket player named: Imran Khan. Born in Lahore in 1952, he studied at Oxford and became a champion cricketer, leading Pakistan to the World Cup in 1992.
10.Ban Ki-Moon, Secretary-General of the United Nations, gave Pakistan a lead role in United Nations peacekeeping operations.