Cited: Baroud, Ramzy, and Turk M. Abu. Searching Jenin: Eyewitness Accounts of the Israeli Invasion, 2002. Seattle: Cune Press, 2003. 36. Print. Giacaman, Rita and Penny Johnson. “Palestinian Women: Building Barricades and Breaking Barriers.” Intifada: The Palestinian Uprising Against Israeli Occupation. Zachary Lockman and Joel Beinin, Eds. Boston: South End Press, 1989. 155-. Print. Gluck, Sherna B. An American Feminist in Palestine: The Intifada Years. Philadelphia: Temple UP, 1994. 211-12. Print. My Home, My Prison. Dir. Susana Blaustein-Muñoz, and Erica Marcus. Perf. Raymonda H. Tawil, and Sharon Silva. Narr. Martin Sheen, and Gail. Videocassette. Women Make Movies, 1992. Rigby, Andrew. Living the Intifada. London: Zed Books, 1991. 1-22. Print. Warnock, Kitty. Land Before Honour: Palestinian Women in the Occupied Territories. New York: Monthly Review Press, 1990. 20-31. Print.
Cited: Baroud, Ramzy, and Turk M. Abu. Searching Jenin: Eyewitness Accounts of the Israeli Invasion, 2002. Seattle: Cune Press, 2003. 36. Print. Giacaman, Rita and Penny Johnson. “Palestinian Women: Building Barricades and Breaking Barriers.” Intifada: The Palestinian Uprising Against Israeli Occupation. Zachary Lockman and Joel Beinin, Eds. Boston: South End Press, 1989. 155-. Print. Gluck, Sherna B. An American Feminist in Palestine: The Intifada Years. Philadelphia: Temple UP, 1994. 211-12. Print. My Home, My Prison. Dir. Susana Blaustein-Muñoz, and Erica Marcus. Perf. Raymonda H. Tawil, and Sharon Silva. Narr. Martin Sheen, and Gail. Videocassette. Women Make Movies, 1992. Rigby, Andrew. Living the Intifada. London: Zed Books, 1991. 1-22. Print. Warnock, Kitty. Land Before Honour: Palestinian Women in the Occupied Territories. New York: Monthly Review Press, 1990. 20-31. Print.