SEM 1 2013/2014
1. To familiarize the students with the financial statements and subsequently able to apply the knowledge obtained in class. 2. To develop the ability to interpret and analyze the financial statements among the students.
You are required to select two companies in the same sector of manufacturing (consumer) industry from the main board at Bursa Malaysia. Obtain a copy of latest two years annual report (2011-2012) of the company.
a) Background of the company (history, major business activities) 1. Be concise: It should not exceed 2pages 2. Be original: Work copied in verbatim from somewhere (e.g. annual report, website etc.) result in penalty and will be given 0 marks.
b) Contents 1. Students are required to calculate the financial ratios based on different categories according to the list below and; 2. Students are required to do the comparison of firm’s performance based on yearly basic. (trend analysis)
c) Conclusion and recommendations In conclusion and recommendations part, students must include the following comments:
1. From a point of view of a banker, does the company deserve additional working capital loan? Justify your recommendation 2. From a point of view of an investor, is this company considered as a good investment? Justify your recommendation.
d) Appendices All the detailed calculations and formula used in calculating the ratios of the companies must be attached as Appendix at the back of your report.
General Format of the report: 1. Font – Times New Roman, 12 – size 2. Paragraph – 1.5 – line spacing, justified alignment 3. Pages – maximum 10 pages for the report (excluding appendices)
Marks will be allocated as follows: % Contents: 40 Analysis 40 Conclusion & Recommendations 20 Total 100
General format of the report: 1. Font – Times New Roman,