We hypothesized that if we recorded a fuel with a high energy to low volume ratio, then the fuel would be a better substance to use commercially, because fuels need to have a high energy output and low storage volume to be used as fuel. Our hypothesis was proven correct, as this experiment allowed us to gain a better grasp on the concepts of enthalpy, heat capacity, and thermochemical reactions, all of which were necessary for us to understand to complete the task. Paraffin wax produces more energy per gram than Ethanol based on our test results, and simply by the molecule comparison itself. Since Ethanol is an oxygenated molecule and already contains oxygen, it cannot burn at the same intensity as Paraffin does, since Paraffin is
We hypothesized that if we recorded a fuel with a high energy to low volume ratio, then the fuel would be a better substance to use commercially, because fuels need to have a high energy output and low storage volume to be used as fuel. Our hypothesis was proven correct, as this experiment allowed us to gain a better grasp on the concepts of enthalpy, heat capacity, and thermochemical reactions, all of which were necessary for us to understand to complete the task. Paraffin wax produces more energy per gram than Ethanol based on our test results, and simply by the molecule comparison itself. Since Ethanol is an oxygenated molecule and already contains oxygen, it cannot burn at the same intensity as Paraffin does, since Paraffin is