2. List the questions raised about this situation or that you think that the investigators should ask of the maid. If she had any history on the Underhills as she was there maid like How often do they consume alcohol daily, social,etc. Also if she knew of any medications they were taking. Is there a reason the hot tub water was that hot or is that there normal setting.
3. List any physiological eff ects that you think would be associated with this situation. I think that with Mr. Underhill being on lasix, under stress from his work, and under the influence of alcohol while in …show more content…
extreme heat of the hot tub led to his demise. With, Mrs. Underhill I feel the only thing I can find from this article is stress, alcohol, and extreme heat led to her death.
4. How might these physiological effects have contributed to the Underhills’ death? Lasix is a prescription medication that is prescribed for either Blood Pressure or Heart Disease.
The way lasix works is lasix helps the body to remove this excess fluid. Removing fluid from the blood vessels also decreases the pressure within the blood vessels. This makes it easier for a weak heart to pump blood around the body. Lasix is therefore used to relieve the symptoms of heart failure. Lasix is generally prescribed to people to be taken once a day in the morning or twice a day in morning and afternoon. In the article it stated Mr. Underhill took his prescription medicine after 7pm at night. With Mr. Underhill having either high blood pressure or a heart condition after he climbed into the hot tub, the heated water could have caused his blood vessels to dilate. In turn, his blood pressure descended, and the hot water around his body, hid blood vessels could not constrict fast enough which could possibly lead to passing
The hot temperature of the water in the hot tub could have related to both the Underhills Deaths if the water is over 104 degrees it is considered to be very dangerous even for a healthy Mrs. Underhill. But what happens when the water is too hot your blood in your vessels will cause them to dilate and increase your body temperature and make you very sleepy.
When you add alcohol to both their systems in a hot tub could be catastrophic. The combination of heat and alcohol can lead to unconsciousness or heart attack. Heat expands the blood vessels and increases the body temperature. Alcohol also expands the blood vessels and increases the body temperature. The combination may be too much for one’s body to take. The additional danger to using alcohol in a hot tub is drinking can cause drowsiness, blackouts, and unconsciousness which would make for very easy drowning.
5. Make an initial speculation about the cause of the Underhills’ death. My initial speculation about their death would be accidental and no intentional foul play. The water was to warm which they may not have noticed before it was too late as it was only 60 degrees outside they may have not realized the physical difference between 102 degrees and 110 degrees. Relaxing with each other and having a few too many glasses of wine, late night and stress could have made Mr. and Mrs. Underhill to slip into a deep sleep and eventually to drowning .