Health and Safety Executive (2013 a) First Aid at Work. The Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981. Guidance on Regulations. 3rd Edition. L74. HSE Books.…
In addition to Todd’s experience as a secondary instructor Todd has 7 years’ experience as a paramedic. Todd’s experience as a paramedic and the patient care experience Todd has gained in the field will be very beneficial while instructing classes. This experience will allow Todd’s to teach scenarios based on real life experiences both positive and negative outcomes adding to the quality of his instruction. Todd’s experience as a paramedic will also allow additional comfort in the material he will be presenting.…
1. What observations did the paramedics make? The paramedics observed there were empty wine bottles surrounding the hot tub. Kavita one paramedic experienced the physical hotness of the water temperature of the hot tub by stating “This water seems really hot.” The paramedics also observed that both bodies of the Underhills were on the bottom of the hot tub upon arrival to the scene. The paramedics also observed the Underhills dead on arrival.…
With this goal of safety on our minds, I believe the bottom line of the emphasis on safety could be considered to be the training that each of us receives in our first weeks on the job as well as the training provided on a regular basis throughout each year of our employment with M-Global, so that we are always aware of how to operate in a safe manner. The training vehicle gives the company the mechanism to provide each of you with the means to become aware of the elements of safety that relate to the specific needs and requirements of your own particular job. Therefore, at this time I have come to the conclusion in the process of the new corporate emphasis on safety to our particular branch that we need to give much greater scrutiny and analysis to the way we can prevent accidents and emphasize the concern of safety at every stage of our operation for every employee. Toward this end, I have asked the training coordinator, Kendra Jones, to assemble a written training program that will involve all employees which will be implemented beginning no later than June of this year. When the plan has been written and approved at the various levels within the office, I will conduct a meeting with every department in order to discuss all details of the safety program.…
On a medic call the nature of the illness is determined. Meanwhile the paramedic…… treatments, lifesaving interventions, hand para…
One of the main pieces of legislation for all areas of employment, including aviation, is the Health and Safety at Work etc Act (1974), which in turn has enabled the creation of specific requirements through codes of practice, for example, the Control of Substances hazardous to Health Regulations 2002 (COSHH), the Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) at Work Regulations 1992, and the Health and Safety (First-Aid) Regulations 1981. In the aviation industry the PPE regulation is particularly relevant on a day to day basis. While staff are working near aircraft there are many hazards, but by introducing the correct Personal Protective Equipment we are able to reduce the risks posed.…
In 77.7% of these occurrences, nurses failed to wear gloves upon entering the patient’s room and in 26% gowns were not worn when performing direct patient care. No known transmission of health- care associated infections due to multidrug- resistant organisms occurred however this negligence is unacceptable. According to the CDC contact transmission is the most important and frequent mode of transmission of nosocomial transmission.…
Health and Safety policies and procedures set out rules and guidelines to follow in order to maintain a safe…
1. Describe how current health and safety legislation, policies and procedures and implemented in the setting.…
After reading this article Paramedics are taught not to risk their lives after the mass shootings, they are talking about that paramedics staying back out of the hot zones because it is to dangers for them after a mass shooting. In Columbine school shooting in Littleton, Colo in 1999, and the paramedics would not go in to save lives unless the swat team has cleared the place before they went in only because they don’t want more people hurt. As being a paramedic they should have some type of training for dangers situation. It was so bad that people started taking other people that were injured in their car to the hospital. The whole point of this job are to protect yourself and the person you are trying to save. So, all over the states they have ordered more protection for them like bulletproof vests, helmets…
What is the Health and safety at work Act 1974, and who does it relate…
There was always a desire in me to opt for a profession in which I could contribute to the society and help the people in need. What better way to do this than to be a paramedic who tirelessly works to aid people in distress. On joining this profession, one must learn to apply theoretical knowledge that to clinical and field situations. One must also learn many procedures and constantly update those skills. No day is a routine day. Every day, the shifts are different, the locations changed and clinical scenarios unique. The work pertains to attending calls such as trauma, cardiac and respiratory emergencies, substance overdose and many other situations and every call teaches some lesson. Apart from providing clinical help, paramedics have to act as efficient organisers and counsellors. Paramedics are often relied upon to control and direct emergency situations, this responsibility and challenging tasks is what draws me to become a practicing paramedic.…
Safety hazards in the workplace are of concern to a risk management team, and policies and procedures are set in place to limit the volume and frequency of incidents. Recurring issues can be detrimental to a facility’s image to the public, to their funding and affiliation with other organizations. Among the possible hazards that are targeted by a risk management team is proper handling of infectious waste and soiled items. Hazardous waste found within a hospital that is not…
Clarke, S. (2003). Patient safety series, part 2 of 2: Balancing staffing and safety. Nursing…
First Aid is the medical care given to an ill or injured person before the arrival of professional responders. First aid is basic medical care given to an ill or injured person by a non-professional in an emergency. What is interesting is the purpose of first aid; to prevent further harm - for example, if someone has collapsed in the middle of a road where they might not be seen, you want to make sure that they won't get hit by a car too. To preserve life - so to prevent them deteriorating, this is pretty much the point of CPR, just to stop things worsening until someone more qualified can take over. To promote rescue - sometimes, first aid can be the only care needed, for example, for a small cut, and everything done to ensure it recovers is done by the first aided…