In________ by ________, the author describes his mother's recent development of senility. In ______ by ________, the author, a mother who raised her first child while recovering from war, reflects on her daughter's childhood. There are many similarities and differences between the two essays. The theme in both of the essays is that of parent child relationship, the point of view in Article #1 is from child to parent while in Article #2 it is from parent to child, and both essays set a mood of regret. Already in the first paragraph of Article #1 we can identify the child to parent point of view. The opening statement goes as follows: “At the age of eighty, my mother had her last bad fall.”It is evident from this one sentence, that the author is speaking about his relationship with his mother. In contrast, Article #2 begins with an anonymous character speaking to the author, saying, “I wish you would manage to come in and talk with me about your daughter.” From this quote it is understood that the Article is from the mother's perspective. …show more content…
In Article #2, the author reflects on the past, when her now adult daughter, was a baby. “She was a miracle to me, but when she was eight months old I had to leave her daytimes... When she saw me she would break into a clogged weeping that could not be comforted.” She also explains that with this baby, her first child, she adhered strictly to the ‘laws of the books’, even if it caused herself