The reason I am writing is to explain that I do care about the grades and my writing. I do check it in Micrisoft word and after it is done I check it with online program Sometimes it does not “see: my mistakes and I do not see it as well. I am not asking for help from my husband vecause I believe this way I can learn faster. I am speking English for four years, I have never been in. I understand that as proffecor you might find my writing unopropriate for GCU, but I also would lke to ask you to try to understand me situation. I picked this program to learn more and to improve my English level, there are planty things I do…
In school we develop and build relationships with others on a daily basis in a variety of different…
Christina reports having several relationships that serves as meaningful components to her treatment. The most important relationship the patient described is her relationship to her unborn children. The patient has expressed feeling extremely guilty about the troubled relationship she has with her living children, and this is a source of motivation for the patient to change and becoming more parent-oriented in her life choices. Another relationship the patient reports as important is her recovery includes her living children. She states she is committed to being compliant in treatment to increase her chance of regaining parental custody of the children in the future. Also, it appears that reconnecting with the children, and proving to them that she is trustworthy and capable of being a good mother is of significance to the patient.…
In addition to smaller class size, student-teacher relationships show an increase in student performance as long as the relationship is positive and continuously supports not only academics but the individual and connections with family (Darling-Hammond, 2010, p. 246).…
The Flamboyan Foundation is issuing a request for proposals for the Family Engagement Teaching Fellowships. Research shows that family engagement matters for student success; students do better in school and in life when their parents are involved in their education. Teachers play a major role in supporting the schools ability to engage parents and to ensure increased student achievement. In order to support and recognize the teachers who have excellent family engagement practices, to help them further develop and share their practices, the Flamboyan Foundation created the Family Engagement Teaching Fellowships.…
Although several methods were used by District officials to attempt to motivate the students at Marshall Metro, the common thread that has produced results is the students’ need for human connection (Kinicki & Williams, 2012).…
Three ways I plan on maintaining a positive and effective collaborative relationship with my student’s parents and guardian is by using a classroom newsletter, phone calls, and weekly progress reports. These three strategies target an important area of the student’s educational growth in the classroom. It is important to keep the student's parent and guardian aware of their student’s growth to help motivate or redirect them outside of the classroom. A monthly classroom newsletter will encourage the guardians to get involved in their student's education.…
The TV series Breaking Bad had a wonderful example of a dysfunctional relationship between to characters named Walt and Jesse. Walt was a chemist and Jesse was a meth addict and the two joined forces to make and sell meth. The relationship became very co-dependent and self destructive. In was toxic and led to destruction of both their lives.…
The importance of connections is an idea that this class (EDUC 160) has stressed from day one. Making connections with students improves their academic experience, while making connections with content, such as in our journals, allows us to better understand the subject matter. While I wholeheartedly agree with the importance of making connections, my experience thus far at Asa Packer has shown me how truly beneficial it is, specifically when in the role of teacher.…
The importance of teacher-student relationships will forever be an increasing factor in students’ academic achievements and behaviors. The general topic for this research is how teacher-student relationships affect students’ academic achievements develop or destroy their behavioral skills. This topic brings about a lot of conflicts that leads to many unanswered questions such as ‘What happens to the teacher-student relationships after the early school years?” Due to the fact that students go through their most important developmental changes during their middle school years. The goal of this study is to advance our under- standing of the longitudinal connections between teacher–child relationships and children’s academic and behavioral development across elementary schools.…
TEACHING AND LEARNING It is imperative that teachers recognise that they are role models to students in regards to attitudes toward learning and adult life. Effective teachers must continually develop their knowledge and skills in relation to their subject matter and more importantly, “they must be able to communicate this knowledge to the students or demonstrate how to access it in a way that shows its utility or place in the world outside school” (McInerney & McInerney, 2006, p.13).Maintaining connections with professionals that are involved in the subject area outside the school environment is a great way of ensuring this knowledge is current.…
The concept, symbolic interactionism is the sociological school of thought that highlights how interpersonal communication in face to face settings creates subjective meanings which people attach to social circumstances (Brym and Lie 2015:6). A symbolic interaction with a labelled student affects the interaction between; students and teachers by verbal or non-verbal messages. In the paper “The Influence of Teachers and Peer Relationships on Students’ Classroom Engagement and Everyday Motivational Resilience”, the impact student teacher relationships are discussed and the effect on the success of students in academics and achievement. Furrer, Pitzer and Skinner explain why/why not and how to improve classroom relationships by using motivational…
A positive climate and sense of belonging have been linked with retention and academic success. Students who report “feelings of community” have greater academic motivation, affinity for school, willingness to help others, better conflict resolution skills, greater enjoyment and liking for school. Research has examined the teacher-to-student behaviors, which create a communication climate. However, little research has looked at the relationship between students as a means of creating communication climate.…
When it comes to a healthy relationship, there are many things that are to be done. They range from just being able to understand each other to being able to get along with each other. These two things are different but somewhat the same. There is a certain process that these steps are to be taken in.…
In today’s society there are so many distractions in students’ lives. They have to deal with family traumas, drugs, extra-curricular activities, making their place in the world, peer pressure, jobs, etc.. When all these things are on someone’s mind it’s often hard to concentrate on school work and rules. I want the students to come to my class with the attitude that it is a place of refuge. I want them to forget about their fulfilled lives and see that learning can be fun and interesting. I want to make them realize that school isn’t just a boring place where the cafeteria food is bad. I want them to be interested by finding something they enjoy doing and maybe they’ll be able to find their places in this world a little better. It is so hard to make students understand how crucial education is. Especially in today’s society. I want to try and raise their self-esteem so they can become the people they want to be. I want to be involved in their lives so maybe if they are having problems at home they can feel like they can come to me for comfort or help. There are a few teachers who I could have gone to for assistance. I now appreciate them more than ever because they made me see hope in people. I want to be like them if not better.…