My program based on Piaget’s perspective
I would concentrate on the development of a child(ren) thinking. Rather than examining the right answers teachers should draw attention to the student’s knowledge and procedure they used to their answer. Next, the appreciation for the important position for children’s established active participation in the learning activities. In a classroom children should be motivated to find out for themselves through natural contact with the world instead of make-believe knowledge. A focus on social conduct can make a child adult like in their own way of thinking. This is what Piaget was talking about when he was referring to the” American question and “How can we speed up development”. I believe that
Piaget’s perspective was trying to say by rushing the development through these stages is better than not teaching at all. Piaget’s perspective to me is a little aggressive, but he’s trying to show us his way of teaching a child.
My program based on Vygotsky’s perspective
I believe teachers can gather material about the points of Vygotsky’s section about the outcome which establishes a teacher’s classroom accomplishments in the following ways:
Instruction can be planned to offer practice in the zone of (toward to the main mass of the body) development for each child or for groups of children.
Equipment that holds things up in the air is a strategy for helping the child in his or her zone of (toward to the main mass of the body) development in which the adult provides hints and prompts at different levels.
Vygotsky's idea of the zone of (toward to the main mass of the body) development is based on the idea that development is defined both by what a child can do independently and by what the child can do when helped by an adult or more capable associate.