Passport Automation System
To develop the passport automation system software using UML language. It is the interface between applicant and authority responsible for issue the passport. It aims at improving efficiency and reducing complexities.
The system provides the online interface to the user where we can fill their form and personal detail with necessary proof. The authority concerned with the issue of passport can use this system to reduce is workload and process it speedy manner. It provides communication platform between administrator and applicant. To transfer the data between passport authority and local police verifying the applicant’s information.
3.Project description:
My project title is passport automation system. In this project we can develop the 5 modules such as login, fill the form with necessary proof, verifying the applicant’s information, validity checking and issue the passport for that particular applicant.
In this login module, we can perform that that perform that enters into the login website for the different actors, and then fill for the can be done by the
Passport Automation System
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Virtual Tutor
primary and verification, validation checking and issuing the passport can be done for the supporting actor.
*Functional requirements: It is defined as how they should react in the particular input and how the system should react in the particular situations and what the system do not do.
In my project, login as functional requirement. In that functional requirement we may check the user name and password is correct or not. After checking entity of login, we can show the detail based on the type of actor. Analysis: In this place, the project requirement is analyzed and availability of requirement is seen.
Design: Project manager makes the design of the project.
Implementation: The