Philippine Administrative thought is concerned about the determination of objectives and major policies of an organization. A network of organizations with specific rules and goals, structures, resources and programs. It includes the internal processes of and the interaction between and among public organizations, which are constituted to implement, help formulate, monitor or assess public policies. This system covers the PA relationship with its immediate public in contact, as well as the public administrator’s reactions to or how it is affected by the greater socio-political and economic environment within which it operates. The result of this management theory can be subjected and trace through the status of our bureaucracy today. Bureaucratic puts into action the policies and plans laid down by the administration.
Bureaucracy as an art of governance may be understood as the administrative machinery of the state: stuffed by the public officials (ranks) and civil servants (file). It is ideally an organizational structure with rationalized system mandated to bring out the efficiency and effectiveness in the achievement of a policy goal or in administering provisions of social services for the people.
Political Stability and Administrative condition
The viability of the public administrator depends, to a great extent, on the political stability of the country. The administrator cannot divorce himself from political influence. Government bureaucracy provides focus for continuity and stability within the political system. This function is necessarily important among developing states like Philippines, “Where the existence of a body of trained career officials may provide the only