Data collection for all three groups will start with the patients’ demographic information including, their name, DOB, sex, address, primary care provider, pulmonologist, and insurance payer, and the year which they were diagnosed with COPD. The SF-12 QOL questionnaire as well as 6 questions concerning hospital admissions over the past twelve months, and comorbid conditions would be administered to gain the patient’s understanding of their current feelings about their overall quality of life. An initial FEV1 and FVC would be collected if the patient did not have one competed as an outpatient within the last three months. A 6MWD would also be completed.…
how to conserve energy. Breathing activity. This will teach Pt. proper technique to breath due to COPD. Safety education.…
Provides 1-2 consequences of COPD from the first column. Information is not entirely scientifically sound, necessary and explanations are…
PCD causes chronic cough, sinusitis and brochiectasis, and half of patients also show situs inversus (McManus et al., 2006).…
TREO calculated 11 PPRs for the reporting period of 1/2016 - 12/2016; 7 or 64% came…
Bellamy, D. & Booker, R. (2004) Assessment. In: Clarke, G. (ed.) Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease in Primary Care. 3rd edition. London, Class Publishing, p. 59.…
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) refers to a group of lung diseases that block airflow and make breathing difficult. The two main factors that cause COPD are emphysema and chronic bronchitis. “In emphysema, the walls between many of the air sacs are damaged. As a result, the air sacs lose their shape and become floppy. This damage also can destroy the walls of the air sacs, leading to fewer and larger air sacs instead of many tiny ones. If this happens, the amount of gas exchange in the lungs is reduced. In chronic bronchitis, the lining of the airways is constantly irritated and inflamed. This causes the lining to thicken. Lots of thick mucus forms in the airways, making it hard to breathe. (What is chronic obstructive pulmonary disease?)”. Patients with COPD are diagnosed by a physical examination, chest radiograph, pulmonary function test, blood gas analysis CT scan and arterial blood gases (Huether and McCance, Pg. 683 and 684). Treatment of COPD includes the use of inhaled anticholinergic, beta agonist, and corticosteroids. Pulmonary therapy, improved nutrition and breathing techniques can improve symptoms. If those treatments fail, then oxygen therapy must be started to ensure the patient is not hypoxic.…
In the case of E.R.A.C.E. foundation, E.R.A.C.E. Foundation is committed to supporting materials to the cause of racial reconciliation in education through the promotion for existing large customers, through the development of new educational materials - literature, visual and audio - whether it's a book, magazine article, in the form of brochures, contracts, speaking PSAs, video, syndicated news forums, documentaries, etc. Reassuring people to mature a connection is very important to leave their comfort zone to achieve the reconciliation of the ethnic people of different ethnic backgrounds. E.R.A.C.E. Foundation would like to include a vision individuals, communities and businesses on racial unity through participation in community events…
There are various forms of respiratory disease that not only debilitate, but claim the lives of millions of Americans each year. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, Tuberculosis, Lung cancer, Asthma, emphysema, and bronchitis are just a few of the common respiratory infections that disrupt the functions of organs and tissues responsible for providing oxygen to the body. In this paper I will discuss Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease also referred to as COPD as my primary theme of respiratory disease. I will describe the severity of COPD, its epidemiology, as well as how it is diagnosed and treated. I will describe whether COPD is classified as a primary, secondary, or tertiary disease and finally address how COPD impacts society as it relates to the business of heath care and the use of resources.…
Every nursing diagnosis lists interventions that help achieve the goal. In the case of "Risk of infection related to chronic pulmonary disease," interventions to reduce the risk are spelled out. Examples of interventions might include oral antibiotics, adequate fluids and administering…
I: CM assisted client with completing intake process (HOMES) .CM used open ended questions to continue building report with client. CM inquired about the client’s next medical appointment with his PCP. CM also inquired about the client’s ongoing skin condition. CM praise client for being on time to the meeting and for being honest regarding his drug use. CM encouraged client to continue to stay motivated within the program. CM continued to assess for PTSD symptoms, substance abuse, and medication compliance.…
Bibliography: * " - Trusted Medical Information and Support." N.p., n.d. Web. 17 June 2012. <>.…
The test that were conducted on J.T. were a laboratory blood test, pulse oximetry test, an arterial blood gas analysis, a pulmonary function test, and a chest x-ray. The laboratory blood test may not directly tell if a person has COPD but they are important to note the possible causes of one’s symptoms and are useful for ruling out other disorders. A laboratory blood test also includes an arterial blood gas analysis which is useful to determine if one’s lungs are working properly and begs to answer the question: is one bringing in adequate oxygen and getting rid of carbon dioxide? A pulse oximetry test is useful to see how well oxygenated your blood is. Moreover, the pulmonary function test measure ventilation or the amount of air one can take…
Furthermore, failure to follow a systematic assessment in the treatment of an acutely ill patient is also another contributing factor (Resuscitation Council UK 2006). There is however, the risk of this kind of approach being subjective as each individual may observe, feel or hear symptoms differently. Due to the word constraint, this assignment will concentrate on the breathing assessment aspect of Dominic’s condition and also the pathophysiology of COPD and the use of oxygen (O2) as treatment to alleviate his symptoms.…
2.3 Compare and contrast work breakdown structure, Gantt charts, program evaluation review technique, and critical path method.…