And as for the money you shouldn't cut hours down some people's money is made just because of how much money they make.
If you cut down hours shorter then they then alot of people would most likely find another job so they can make more money to provide for their families. Some people might go on strike to get longer hours who knows just so they could do have a happy family. Alot of people need money so they could pay for what they need in life to survive. They need money to put gas in their car, pay their electric bill, pay the water bill, and gas bill. People need money so they could pay for things they want or need. They sometimes think they need money to be happy. But what they need is a good workplace with the right amount of work hours. If you get sick or injured at a workplace because of the shorter hours you shouldn't work their. I'm not saying quit your job because they are not giving you enough hours so you could pay your bill. But if it comes to that then do it find a better