perceived benefits from Undergrad Research
Student effort in undergraduate research is incredibly important because studies show that the amount of hours spent working on research was directly proportional to the amount of perceived benefits of the research. Effort is so significant because it is so directly linked with the student perceived benefits. If the student is not putting forth much effort in the research project then it is safe to assume that the student does not see that there is any benefit in the research and therefore will most likely not benefit from the project. Undergraduate research project allow for the students to participate in active learning by experiencing hands on the true nature of science and the scientific process. Undergraduate research opens the students understanding of their chosen field. The activity allows the students to engage in creatively thinking through the results of said research as well as concisely communicating the information. Engaging in this type of activity deepens and broadens the student’s experience in their chosen field of study. They will also develop the necessary problem solving skills that their employers will be seeking in their applicants. I was a little surprise that the amount of work done on a specified project was so closely related to the perceived benefits it would have for the student. There are many students that just want to get good grades regardless of potential benefits of the work itself. Many students just want to look good on paper for their potential interviewees. I was also surprised to find that the employers put such high regard on research projects and that they believe so strongly that it would undoubtedly instil the problem-solving skills they would be looking for.
When reading this it dawned on me that if I ever really want to understand or learn something that I could engage a research project of the desired subject. It is apparently one of the best ways to gain the desired understanding in a relatively short
References: STUDENT EFFORT IN AND PERCEIVED BENEFITS FROM UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH - The benefits of student engagement in undergraduate research are well-recognized by many higher... - College Student Journal. (n.d.). Retrieved from