
Perfection In Lord Of The Flies

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Perfection In Lord Of The Flies
No one is perfect, in fact it is impossible to be. Everyone is flawed whether we see it or not. Perfection is an unreachable aspect of daily life, because it doesn’t matter how far in depth you search nor how wide your mouth gapes at someone when you look at them; there is no such thing as perfection. Humans as a whole are flawed in many ways. As one, we don’t know when enough is enough, we have no clue when to zero out on our voices about diversely challenging and complicated subjects such as politics and futures of our children, and we care way too much about ourselves and how we are doing then to slightly think about other people and their opinions. We always look for a scapegoat to blame our wrongdoings on because the only time …show more content…
Humanity struggles with inherent greed and selfishness, and thus complicates the expression of emotion, regret, and remorse when we are held accountable to do so.
Humans believe that we are entitled to more than we are, which creates lots of commotion throughout a society. In Lord of The Flies, Ralph and Jack are constantly not at ease with their opinions of getting rescued from the deserted island. Ralph is set on keeping a constant fire going to allow ships to spot steam and smoke from far away. However, Jack demands that he hunts for pigs to give the boys some food to eat. They each are defensive of their ideas and don’t care about each others. If the two boys worked closer as a team they would be able to accomplish both items at once which would also create a more stable environment and society for the young boys stuck on the island; they would have both meat and a rescue device. The conch shell that the overweight yet
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A constant yearning for attention and noticement is what the speaker considers to be normal and what should happen every day. While being caught up in themselves and not looking to the environment humans do not know how to express emotion towards society. In the third stanza of the poem, the words, “And I find it kinda funny/I find it kinda sad/The dreams in which I’m dying/Are the best I’ve ever had” describe this. Cautiously, the speaker writes these lines to outline how a person cares only of themselves because they would rather pass on than live another day. Nevertheless, when someone dies their family, friends, classmates, ect., feel terrible and helpless; but the speaker doesn’t see that because he is too narcissistic to think about anyone else. In “Sympathy for the Devil,” the ‘devil’ is an idiom for darkness, despair, and evil. The speaker of this poem explains how the devil isn’t a real person at all, but more of a figurative one. Everyone has a version of evil inside them, and if it is impossible to be constrained then the devil will, “lay your soul to waste,” (line 33). The evil of the human race is vanity and self-centeredness. If we focused on people other than ourselves we could live so much more carefree and vivid, afterall we wouldn’t be obsessive over what we look like or the goodness that we have accomplished. Continuing with

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