Diploma In strategic Management and leadership
Table of Contents 1.1 Explain link between individual team and organizational objective 1.2 Identify the selection of and agree individual and team objectives 1.3 Identify and agree area of individual and team responsibility in achieving objective 1.4 Identify the need to create an environment of trust and support with other 2.1: Evaluate and assess individual and team performance against objectives 2.2 Identify the method to providing feedback to individual and team on performance 2.3 Identify the cause of conflict and describe strategies to minimize or prevent conflict 2.4 Explain recording system for performance assessment for individual or team. 3.1 Explain performance improvement cycle 3.2 Discuss the indicator of poor performance 4.1 Discus the organization’s disciplinary and grievance procedures
Q: 1
Be able to identify and agree performance objective
Explain link between individual team and organizational objective
Link between organizational objective and the team is very important for the progress of an organization. Organizational objective are set in order to achieve the goal of an organization. Every organization has an aim to achieve so until every single member of staff not know the objective of the organization it’s difficult to achieve that goal.
In an organization there are certain groups and each group has different teams. Every individual team has different task to do but all these different tasks are linked to the main objective of the organization and all the individual team tasks are support the objective of
References: you references needs to be well organised and should not just put the web site, there are authors who said something in the website you have to refer to them, not just put the link it is what you have found in the link 1. Business dictionary.www.bussinessdictionary.com (accessed date 02/01/2012) 2. BusinessdictionaryAvailablehttp://www.businessdictionary.com/definition/conflict.html (accessed date 04/01/2012) 3. CambridgedictionaryAvailable:dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/british/legislation (Accessed date 08/01/2012 ) 4. DictionaryreferenceAvailable:dictionary.reference.com/browse/recordkeeping( Accessed date 09/12/2011 ) 5. Dictionary referenceDictionary.reference.com (Accessed date 07/01/2012) 6. Business dictionary www.bussinessdictionary.com {Accessed date 06/01/2012} 7. LondonDeaneryAvailablewww.faculty.londondeanery.ac.uk (Accessed date 08/02/2012) . 9. DirectGov.Available:http://www.direct.gov.uk/en/Employment/ResolvingWorkplaceDisputes/Grievanceprocedures/DG_10027992 (accessed date 01/01/2012)