Project Report
Impact of Performance Management Practices on the Employee Satisfaction and Performance
Maryam AfzalSP09-BBA-034
17th December, 2012
The main purpose of this paper is to discuss the importance of employees’ performance management for employee satisfaction and performance. By reviewing the work already done in this area of interest, the paper clarifies what performance management practices, employee satisfaction, commitment and high performance particularly mean in the dictionary of any organization. The research methodology used is the questionnaires and interview conducted from the employees of the Pakistan Post Headquarters. The organization was selected to identify the performance management practices in the government sector. The analysis of the results shows the importance of the performance management practices on the employee satisfaction and performance. Lastly, the paper concludes the whole thing and provides recommendations to improve the performance management system in the government sector of Pakistan.
Table of Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u 1.Introduction PAGEREF _Toc343439832 \h 4Pakistan Post Office PAGEREF _Toc343439833 \h 4Performance Management System PAGEREF _Toc343439834 \h 52.Literature Review PAGEREF _Toc343439835 \h 53.Research Methodology PAGEREF _Toc343439836 \h 8Implementation: PAGEREF _Toc343439837 \h 8Data Collection Phase: PAGEREF _Toc343439838 \h 8Data Analysis PAGEREF _Toc343439839 \h 84.Research Findings/ Analysis PAGEREF _Toc343439840 \h 85.Conclusion PAGEREF _Toc343439841 \h 126.Recommendations PAGEREF _Toc343439842 \h 12References PAGEREF _Toc343439843 \h 14Appendix I PAGEREF _Toc343439844 \h 17Appendix II PAGEREF _Toc343439845 \h 19
IntroductionPerformance management can be defined as a systematic process for improving organizational performance by developing the performance of individuals and teams. It is a means of getting better results from the
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