Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Strategy: Delivery Action Plan and Impact Indicators
June 2012 – June 2015
If you require further information on this document or require the document in another format, please contact Jerome Williams, HR Policy and Diversity Consultant: E: Jerome.williams@decc.gsi.gov.uk 0 T:0300 068 6927
Actions and change are needed to achieve the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Strategy – its vision, objective and four aims. A summary of the key milestones in the action plan is set out in Figure 1. A summary of the indicators that will be used to track DECC’s progress in improving equality, diversity and inclusion are set out in Figure 2. The action plan and set of impact indicators are designed to: • • • • • • • Improve engagement with different groups in society and build diverse needs and interests into policy design, delivery and communications Create greater transparency and equality in outcomes of the performance management system Equip all staff, managers and leaders through training, information and highlighting role models to build equality, diversity and inclusion into the work they do and the way they work Raise awareness of equality, diversity and inclusion and involve staff through the staff networks, team discussions, the Trade Unions and DECC-wide events Build shared responsibility and accountability for achieving improvements by explicitly embedding inclusive leadership into the performance management process and creating DG-Group specific equality and diversity objectives Embed equality, diversity and inclusion into recruitment, training and promotion Achieve equality, diversity and inclusion improvements through overall accountability for delivering the strategy held by the DECC Diversity Champion and monitoring of progress using 19 performance indicators by the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Strategy Board (EDIB). The EDIB is chaired by the DECC Diversity Champion