Assessment Strategy: Activities
Activity 1
1. Explain stereotyping and the reasons why it is not good to let stereotypes affect your relationship with others.
Stereotyping is holding the thought that the members of a particular group are all of the same character or thinking. For example: that all accountants are boring, all red heads are bad tempered, all skinny people are anorexic, all girls play with dolls, all boys play with cars, etc. Stereotyping makes assumptions about members of a particular group, solely because of their membership in that group.
In my opinion, it isn’t good to let stereotypes affect my relationship with others because:
1. Stereotyping can prevent us from really getting to know people on an individual basis. That's because we act on the assumptions we make about people instead of taking the time to really understand who they are. Stereotyping, in its most basic form, is the process of interacting with the assumptions we make about people, as opposed to the people themselves. This can cause us to develop superficial relationships with others, instead of relationships based on mutual respect and understanding; an understanding that can only come about when people genuinely take the time to get to know each other. 2. Stereotyping increases the likelihood of making communication errors and offending others. This is because stereotypes are learned and culturally transmitted generalizations we have about members of a particular group. The problem is that these assumptions and generalizations are often inaccurate. So we may say or do something that is offensive to the party we are in communication with. 3. Stereotyping can make us shy away from people from particular cultural groups. Many of us avoid interaction with others because of their race, age, gender, educational level, socioeconomic status or position. We may assume those individuals