Using the developmental plan, managers were trained to hold regular meetings with their employees, focusing on a new “performance partnership”, at which time the manager and the employee would review performance goals and expectations. With the administrative use plan, attention was mainly based on historical data - what the employee had done in the past. Not much attention was given to the employee’s future developments or improvements.
The developmental use also results in more active participation between the manager and the employee. In addition, more time is devoted to coaching and has led to more interaction which, in many cases results in a better and more comfortable working relationship between manager and employee.
2. Identify some of the advantages and disadvantages of eliminating the use of appraisal forms and ratings.
Eliminating the appraisal form has resulted in more time spent with the employee, which could be perceived as an advantage because more time is available for coaching, discussions and problem-solving. The additional time can also contribute to a better relationship between manager and employee. Another advantage would be an increase in employee morale because he/she feels they’re getting more positive attention from management.
Disadvantages of the plan could be the amount of training required for managers to understand and become knowledgeable with the new process. Other areas are the time involved for both manager and employee in discussions and problem-solving. This additional time may require a larger segment of the workday, which could call for eliminating some of the lower priority meetings and other tasks, giving the performance partnership process precedence, especially when several employees report to one