Person-centred care: Principle of Nursing Practice D
Manley K et al (2011) Person-centred care: Principle of Nursing Practice D. Nursing Standard. 25, 31, 35-37. Date of acceptance: February 7 2011.
This is the fifth article in a nine-part series describing the Principles of Nursing Practice developed by the Royal College of Nursing (RCN) in collaboration with patient and service organisations, the Department of Health, the Nursing and Midwifery Council, nurses and other healthcare professionals. This article discusses Principle D, the provision of person-centred care.
Kim Manley, at the time of writing, lead, Quality, Standards and Innovation Unit, Learning & Development Institute, RCN, London; Val Hills, learning and development adviser, RCN, Yorkshire and the Humber; and Sheila Marriot, regional director, RCN, East Midlands. Email:
Nurse-patient relations, person-centred care, Principles of Nursing Practice These keywords are based on subject headings from the British Nursing Index. For author and research article guidelines visit the Nursing Standard home page at For related articles visit our online archive and search using the keywords.
THE FOURTH Principle of Nursing Practice, Principle D, reads: ‘Nurses and nursing staff provide and promote care that puts people at the centre, involves patients, service users, their families and their carers in decisions, and helps them make informed choices about their treatment and care.’ The provision of care that is experienced as right by the person receiving it is at the core of nursing practice. Principle D sets out to endorse and expand on this point, which is often summarised as providing
References: Goodrich J, Cornwall J (2008) Seeing The Person in The Patient: The Point of Care Review Paper. The King’s Fund, London. Hardy S, Titchen A, McCormack B, Manley K (Eds) (2009) Revealing Nursing Expertise Through Practitioner Inquiry. Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford. Innes A, Macpherson S, McCabe L (2006) Promoting Person-centred Care at the Front Line. Joseph Rowntree Foundation, York. Jackson A, Irwin W (2011) Dignity, humanity and equality: Principles of Nursing Practice A. Nursing Standard. 25, 28, 35-37. Manley K, Sanders K, Cardiff S, Davren M, Garbarino L (2007) Effective workplace culture: a concept analysis. Royal College of Nursing Workplace Resources for Practice Development. RCN, London, 6-10. McCormack B, Manley K, Walsh K (2008) Person-centred systems and processes. In Manley K, McCormack B, Wilson V (Eds) International Practice Development in Nursing and Healthcare. Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford, 17-41. McCormack B, McCance T (2010) Person-centred Nursing: Theory and Practice. Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford. Royal College of Nursing (2009) Measuring for Quality in Health and Social Care: An RCN Position Statement. 6c6s3gd (Last accessed: March 16 2011.) Royal College of Nursing (2011) Principles of Nursing Practice: Principles and Measures Consultation. Summary Report for Nurse Leaders. (Last accessed: March 16 2011.) Wilson G (2010) Implementation of Releasing Time to Care: the Productive Ward. Journal of Nursing Management. 17, 5, 647-654. NURSING STANDARD april 6 :: vol 25 no 31 :: 2011 37