Candidate Name: Unit Titles: Promote the application of person centred approaches in health and social care Evidence ref(s):
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Evidence ref(s):
Unit number(s):
Use this form to record details of activities (tick as appropriate) * observed by your assessor * seen by expert witness * seen by witness ◙ Candidate / reflective account * case study Date of Activity: | Unit No | Learning Outcome | Assessment Criteria | Performance evidence | 4223-305 | 1134567 | 121231231,23,41,2,3 | Understand the application of person centred approaches in health and social care When working with any individual I would always check their care plan, to see what THEIR beliefs and requirements are to allow me to carry out my duties safely and without concern. In carrying out procedures in a particular way with one patient might be acceptable to them but to another it could be interpreted as abuse. Dignity and privacy policies must be followed to ensure good practice. Consent must be obtained at all times to avoid misunderstandings. I would encourage the individual to participate and inform me if there was any procedure they are not comfortable with.Speaking clearly and at a level the patient can understand should eliminate any misunderstandings or any form of abuse being carried out. How the patient feels is most important remembering what I see as being non abusive does not mean they do not see it as abuse. Care plans are a valuable tool used in the treatment of patients.Without a care plan I would be going into patient’s homes without the valuable information needed to treat and care for the individual. Medical conditions, any relevant medical history (allergies etc.) religious beliefs to name but a few are invaluable in the care and treatment of patients and should be included in their care