The world is a global village. If you travel across different places you’ll witness the technological advancements in every walk of life. Over the last few decades science has made rapid growth and has revolutionized the way we socialize today.
Computer since its advent has played a pivotal role in human’s life. It has its major contribution in development of electronic appliances that can be easily seen every where. At its very beginning it was majorly being used for calculation purposes; however with the passage of time its usage became an essential part of human life. The use of computer technology was then inculcated in wars that provided efficiency and perfection in selecting targets and detecting aircrafts etc. Simultaneously, computers gained importance in education sector and played a vitol role in educating individuals by way of distant learning i.e. e-learning etc. According to Alan Greenspan, chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank “information technologies have begun to alter the manner in which we do business and create value, often in ways not readily foreseeable even five years ago”
In early days people found it a social curse and never wanted to use it. Ken Olson, Chairman Modular Computer Systems in 1996 said that “I wouldn’t put my company on the Internet.” It was then realized that the computer technology can be efficiently utilized in manufacturing industries, telecommunication and almost every field of science. Research and Development has been further carried out further by world famous companies like Microsoft, IBM & HP etc. In continuation to desktop computers, laptops were introduced in early 80s that had more processing power and were made very handy. The use of laptops increased due to its easy carrying nature and fast processing. Today, we can witness individuals fetching information from internet through
References: Last name, First initial. Middle initial. (Year). Book title. Location: Publisher. Wilson, F. R. (1998). The hand: How its use shapes the brain, language, and human culture. New York: Pantheon. Arnold, J. M., Buell, D. A. and Davis, E. G. (1992). Splash-2, ACM Symposium on Parallel Algorithms and Architectures. New york: ACM Press. Dr. McCown, F. A Short History of Computing. Harding University: Computer Science Dept. PATRICIA L. MOKHTARIAN, L. P. Telecommunications and Travel. Davis: University of California.