I have many personal goals I hope to attain as a college student. Along the path to my degree I will be setting an example for my children, building my own self confidence, and starting a lifetime of strategic learning.
My parents are both college graduates. I watched my parents obtain their degrees while I was growing up, and it instilled in me a sense of the importance of a good education. I was raised knowing that sometimes early in life things happen to knock one off course but that it is never too late to get back on track and reach your goals. I learned that with a lot of effort, and support, anything is possible and a person can always improve their situation if they work hard enough and have a strong enough desire.
Each class that I complete will give me a boost of self-confidence. Earning my degree will be the greatest boost. I have a history of excellent school work that was broken by outside influences such as illness, military service and job promotions. When I was a student, I always earned great grades. I did it for myself, and I loved the feeling of knowing that I was the best I could be. I loved having the hard proof reflected in my GPA. It was not always easy, but as long as I stayed focused on my goal of graduating I did my best and that paid off in the end.
I know that I can return to that excellence, and prove to myself that I still have the ability to not only keep up with my peers. If I can just reach one goal at a time I will know time and time again, that I really do have it in me. I simply have to set myself to the task of bringing my abilities to the forefront and that excellence will be shown not just in school, but over the rest of my life as well.
I believe that there is a strong need to continue my learning path over my entire lifetime. It is so very important to keep up with the influx of information in our world. My generation is seeing the greatest boom of information that there has ever been. What we do with