We will collect personal and health information about you directly or through your representative for the primary purpose of providing you with care and support services. The information we collect may include, but is not limited to, your name, address, phone number, date of birth, payment information and emergency contact information. Details such as your care plan, hours of care provided and general information about your health, wellbeing and medical history may also recorded each time we have contact with you (both in person and by phone).
Your personal and health information will be used and disclosed as necessary to manage our relationship with you, including through the provision of services and products to you as set out in your care plan, as otherwise requested by you or as deemed clinically appropriate. This may include disclosure to your medical practitioner, pharmacist, allied health providers or other care or service providers. When Australian Unity uses third party contractors to provide services …show more content…
We may also be required to provide your personal information to relevant government authorities or departments for the purpose of monitoring the services that have been provided to you, as part of quality care reviews or for other purposes as