My family and I lived in an apartment in Arlington, VA, for a year. Arlington County is a county in the Commonwealth of Virginia. It is …show more content…
My family and I visited the Lincoln Memorial, the Arlington National Cemetery, and the Vietnam Memorial. Although these places all sounded official and boring, I remember being overcome with awe whenever I visited these places. Whether the places were proof that history did exist or that I possessed patriotism for my country, these places made me very happy.
Now, looking at one particular photograph of my brothers and I smiling with our eyes closed in order to spite my parents near a cathedral in Arlington, VA, I think we all have a place that we can call beautiful. I know Arlington, VA is consummate place that made me feel happy many times, years ago. However, sometimes I doubt people will find it as beautiful as I have always rendered it to be. I wonder if I visit the place again if that same euphoria I possessed for it years ago will still be present. Possibly, beauty is in the eyes of the