With such determination in my back pocket, I took many steps to slowly branch out of my comfort zone. In this time I was lucky enough to stumble upon a number of empowering clubs, such as Model United Nations and the Gay Straight Alliance. I was informed by my guidance counselor that the fast paced debate environment provided by Model UN would seem intimidating, but it would allow me to face my anxiety head on. Despite reservations, I joined not knowing it would be one of the best decisions I could have made for combating my anxious tendencies. After joining, I found myself at the center of a tight knit group of intelligent peers who helped ease my fears before each conference. By finding such comfort in a club it came clear that despite my anxiety I was meant to do more. With this notion, I became further inclined to participate further in extracurricular activities. While the act of debate intimidated me, I pushed myself to stay involved. Each conference I found myself deeply involved with each debate topic, which made the act of debate itself all that much simpler. Model UN offered me the opportunity of authority over my anxiety disorder. Likewise, I was equipped with the power to further assert myself in other areas of both academic and extracurricular
With such determination in my back pocket, I took many steps to slowly branch out of my comfort zone. In this time I was lucky enough to stumble upon a number of empowering clubs, such as Model United Nations and the Gay Straight Alliance. I was informed by my guidance counselor that the fast paced debate environment provided by Model UN would seem intimidating, but it would allow me to face my anxiety head on. Despite reservations, I joined not knowing it would be one of the best decisions I could have made for combating my anxious tendencies. After joining, I found myself at the center of a tight knit group of intelligent peers who helped ease my fears before each conference. By finding such comfort in a club it came clear that despite my anxiety I was meant to do more. With this notion, I became further inclined to participate further in extracurricular activities. While the act of debate intimidated me, I pushed myself to stay involved. Each conference I found myself deeply involved with each debate topic, which made the act of debate itself all that much simpler. Model UN offered me the opportunity of authority over my anxiety disorder. Likewise, I was equipped with the power to further assert myself in other areas of both academic and extracurricular