When i saw she was a girl i was king of mad beacuse i wanted a baby brother not sister.my mo told me to carry her and i refused, but when i saw her beautfuil tiny face smile at me and felt like a big brother and a loved her. She looked at me while i was carrying her and wendy was kind of bothered because i didn’t let her carry her. I guess a thought i would loose all the attention and
i wouldn’t be the baby of the family. When we got home i wouldn’t let go of her,mom my said that i even wanted to sleep with her.
Six years have passd and i always will think that she is our baby sister.in the passed six years we got mad at each other like a normal brother and sister.we had our happy moments and our sad moments. But i will always love my little sister. We have gone to different places in the past year we’ve been close together. No matter what she will be the baby of the family. Overall i learned that if you have a new sibling you will always love them.