The only text I’d receive from him while I’d text the shit out of him like a crazy blond girlfriend was, “ How many laps have you done?” Talk about him being a beast..
Of course I almost fell out of my chair. He was watching me and obviously he knew my cycle of bad choices and I couldn’t get out of them because I didn’t know how to control my choices. Why he’d stepped out of my view and simply watched me from that point on. I got on at Nurses’ Registry and my bosses introduced me back into pot and I failed the test and got back into my cycle... by this time I’d gone broke and moved back in with my mom which at the time I hated because she wanted to know where I was.. knowing I was making bad choices.. I took her talking to me as scolding instead of love. She took all of the …show more content…
You all were a hand to hold when I needed it. Holly tried but I pushed her away. Yes, we drank a lot, but you all also showed me what a fun marriage was like. You also taught me my coping was a “choice”. Key word that Jeremy brings back at the end. You also were there during my sisters’ death and seeing me greave with boos and alcohol. I basically had to be drunk every time I came home to cope, even the day she died, I got so drunk on the plane because I couldn’t deal and had no control or knew how to cope.
I took it so hard. When I got my DUI (Which I believe was set up... now). I recall once after your wedding... which also played a role in this story... I am sure you all recall me being a drunkard and Joe thinking I raped Travis... which was probably a dot as well. I recall once you told me about your family labor day weekend and said they had plenty of “boos” and I’d stopped drinking (or trying to at that