But let's be honest, do you miss a happy hour as much I do? I certainly feel you. Ever since I became pregnant with our first child, alcohol became out of the question for me. Nine months of carrying a baby, then 2 years of breastfeeding and another pregnancy. Boozy drinks are somethings that I left in the past.
Not that, I'm a heavy drinker (mind you:)), but …show more content…
You can hardly tell, that it isn't an alcoholic beverage.
With an awesome drink recipe I'm going to show you today, no one can even guess that you're drinking a non-alcoholic beverage. If you're hosting a baby shower or meet the baby party, this Cotton Candy Raspberry Cream Mimosa would be a wonderful choice. The cocktail is very festive, with fresh berries and lots of bubbles.
One last thing I'd like to mention. Since we're talking about wine, that went through a process of de-alcoholization, there is still a tiny amount of alcohol left, which is less than 0.5%. Just so you know, when you leave your orange juice out of the refrigerator overnight, it has approximately the same alcohol content as Fre Wines. Are you convinced yet?;)
To make this cocktail extra special, I decided to whip up a raspberry granita, which adds an extra creaminess and fruit flavor to a drink. I recommend making granita 3-4 hours in advance, since it needs some time to harden in a freezer.
Once granita has firmed, the rest of the cocktail making process is a breeze. Just scoop a couple tablespoons of raspberry granita into a glass, add fresh berries, cotton candy and finish with a sparkling Fre Alcohol-Removed Brut.