is dedicated to corn. Thanks to food chemists most food is a rearrangement of corn. These chemists can break corn into maltodextrin, high fructose corn syrup, di-glycerides, xanthan gum, ascorbic acid, calcium stearate, saccharin, sorbitol, citrus cloud emulsion, fructose, ethyl acetate, citric acid, baking powder, sorbic acid, and vanilla extract. These substances are then used in ketchup, cheese, Twinkies, batteries, peanut butter, Cheez-Its, salad dressing, coke, jelly, sweet & low, syrup, juice, Kool-Aid, charcoal, diapers, Motrin, meat, fast-food to name a few. That’s unbelievable that corn is an ingredient in diapers and batteries. This experimentation of corn resulted from the Farm Bill, which encourages the over-production of corn. We also use corn to feed animals (cows are designed to eat grass), there are even some fish farms teaching fish to eat corn. Mostly the feed is processed through CAFO (Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations). One expert explains that E. coli O157:H7 is a direct result of corn diet, if you feed a cow their natural grass diet for 5 days it would expel 80% of the E. coli from their…