It runs from Riis Park, all the way to Long Beach or Atlantic Beach, Long Island. The Jews occupy some of Queens, (Seagirt) to Long Beach (Lawrence, NY or Five Towns). The Blacks occupy most of Queens, from Seagirt to Beach 100 Street. And the remaining of Far Rockaway belongs to the Irish all the way up to Breezy Point, which is 98% white according to Wikipedia.
But what sets the Rockaways apart from all other towns and neighborhood across the entire New York State is the beach. Sure, there are beaches everywhere and once you’ve seen one, then you’ve seen them all. That could be true, yet, it’s not just the beach; it’s the boardwalk, the houses, the buildings and the overall experience. Far Rockaway might be the only region that allows people from all walks of life to share the same experience, regardless of income, race or creed. Unlike the Hamptons you don’t need be a millionaire to enjoy the shore. The beach is ours and no one can take that away from