
Personal Narrative: Growing Up With Religion

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Personal Narrative: Growing Up With Religion
Growing up I was never raised with any particular religion. I had not even stepped foot in a Church or any building of worship except for a funeral in a Catholic Church when I was nine or ten. I do not remember much except that I found it to be extremely boring and wanted to be in school instead. The first time I learned anything about religions was when I was in Elementary school and found some books in the library about Greek mythology. I immediately became addicted to the stories and would imagine the Greek gods were real.
After I finished reading everything they had on Greek mythology I moved on to Egyptian mythology and then Roman mythology. I understood that most Roman gods were manifestations of the Greek gods but got a bit confused at the fact that the Egyptian gods were nothing like the
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I noticed those people who stand around and try to stop you and spew their nonsense about how “Jesus is the lord and savior”. As I normally would do, I try my hardest to avoid these people. That day I was unlucky as I had gotten stopped by one of them. The first thing they asked was if I believed in God or not. I told them the truth, that I did not believe in a God and I was an Atheist. What I was hoping for was them to get the hint and go bother someone else but instead they pushed the topic. Not wanting to be rude I agreed to let them talk to me and try to “convince” me into believing. A small part of me was happy I got in to this conversation. All those years of watching YouTube videos and reading books and online articles on Atheism and secularism was finally going to prove itself to be useful. I asked several questions to her but as always all of the answers came from the bible and what she was trying to preach sounded much more hateful than full of love; that Christians try to preach. In the end I still denied accepting Jesus Christ as my lord and

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