And all I hear is my teacher rambling about "you need your diploma to go to college!"
"I didn’t really grasp the importance of it at first."
"I was pacing around, It felt like I was sweating blood. The wait was killing me! Knowing that I didn’t do too good on the test."
I thought to myself "I should have stayed in school more and went to that tutoring class like my friend Tressica did." But instead I made poor decisions skipping school and not paying attention in …show more content…
I prayed so hard and cried myself to sleep many nights."
I said to myself "what's the matter with you? are you stupid or something?
"I wasn’t aware that I was damaging my self-esteem but I kept pushing on Consequently, I paid over a thousand dollars to get a diploma and I found out that the diploma I've received was fake, I never realize that fake diploma's existed until it was too late."
"It took me Ten years. Finally, I did it! I 've passed and got my diploma with determination and willpower I never gave up."
"I 'm a perfect candidate for the Valencia Foundation Scholarship because I never take my work at Valencia College for granted. My ambitious spirit would allow me to continue in school and to show my daughters that having an education is the way of life and not to make the same mistakes and history to repeat itself. Now I know that an education is important and that showing up and going to class is just the first step to