recommendation letters. For one of my letters it went smoothly, and I got the letter on time. My second letter don’t get to me as quickly. Since I wanted to get my application in before Christmas break, I told my teachers to have them done before then. I was unsuccessful in sending information off before Christmas break. Some months went by and I finally got a letter back from the program. It basically told me due to competition I was unable to attend the program. At first I didn’t understand why I didn’t make it into the program.
It took me awhile to understand. I thought back to how I did my application, and what I could’ve possibly done wrong. I came to the conclusion that maybe my essay wasn’t good enough as well as my gpa. At the time my gpa wasn’t as high as it is now. I also though back to my recommendation letters, and how I was unable to get them in on time. This mistake helped me realize that I could’ve done a lot batter for my application. I now know that I should try and have things done in a decent amount of time, and to pick the right teachers to do recommendation