is the people in it, bringing the wild West home in breathtaking moments of prosaic brilliance.
is the people in it, bringing the wild West home in breathtaking moments of prosaic brilliance.
Screams of excruciating pain interrupted my slumber. Springing up from my sleeping bag, I looked in the direction where I heard the continued sounds of agony, broken bones, and ripping flesh. Quickly scanning the gym with my eyes, I saw that five of Kristine’s survivors became runners. In the bleachers, three of runners dugged their teeths into the survivor’s necks, faces, shoulders, who were lying peacefully and unexpected in their sleeping bags. In the middle of the gym’s basketball court, two more runners’ yanked meat and muscles from survivor’s faces, as the survivors attempted to fight back, however their attempts were useless, the runner’s strength over powered theirs. As one runner, in the middle of the gym, swallowed a survivor’s nose,…
The most common advice given to novice writers is to ‘write what you know’. Although cliche, and sometimes unappealing to authors who want to expand and diversify their writing, this tip holds its credibility. When an author draws from personal experience, it not only makes her writing more genuine and convincing, but also allows gives her an outlet to express her unique struggles, desires, and beliefs. Willa Cather’s My Antonia is a poignant romantic novel about westward expansion, following the story of recently orphaned Jim Burden and his childhood in Nebraska. The parallels between the most impactful events in Jim’s life and that of Cather’s become glaringly obvious when the two are compared. Willa Cather shapes Jim’s story in My Antonia…
“Some memories are realities, and are better than anything that can ever happen to one again”; this quote by Willa Cather expresses the relationship that the past can have on humans. Some would argue that the past has no role in My Antonia, almost as if the overall lesson of the novel had gone right over their head. Willa Cather has written the whole novel in flashback form, and this has a great effect on the reader. She is trying to show that you can learn from your past, if you grasp what you can, while you have the ability to do so. She adopts a very Thoreau-like outlook on life; “Carpe diem”.…
I moved from Detroit, MI to Ypsilanti, MI, for a better living. It was December 29, 2008. I had just given birth to my daughter. My daughter was born at 9:45p.m, weighing 5lbs and 3ounces. I named my daughter Saphira Parthenia Franks. Saphira died at 36 weeks, due to still born. The doctor told me” Sometimes this happens without a reason and you will be able to have more children”. I already had my mind made up, that I would wait until I turn thirty to have another baby. I was heartbroken and disgusted with myself. I was already going insane from the deaths of my father in November 2006 and my grandma in July 2008. Therefore, I was not able to cope with their three deaths at once.…
I have a rather large family but my aunt Arlene is definitely my favorite relative. She’s a loud mouth 50 something year old woman whose personality is bigger then life. From her jet black shoulder length hair to her black lipliner and gold lipstick to her sweet perfume and plump physique she's definitely not hard to miss. My aunt Arlene is super outspoken and has a carefree attitude with a hint of sass which everyone enjoys about her. If you ever have a problem she's the one you would want to talk too. She's the person who will hand you the truth on a silver platter but wont crucify you for any of your faults. Although we love her for her great advice my aunt Arlene is known as a party animal and knows how to have fun and thats what I love…
With Amber in dance, Emmett and I decided to enroll Marci Jeane into something different. We gave her a bunch of options from gymnastics to football. We were glad that Marci chose gymnastics over football, considering she was more into football than anything else. With Marci in gymnastics and Amber in dance, Emmett made sure that Ivan was enrolled in athletics as well. We signed Ivan up for T-ball and PeeWee Football. It was time for him to make his mark.…
“I got this! I got this! Just calm down and take position. You have prepared yourself for this race all morning.” “Just take your position and breathe.” “Why is my heart pounding like this?” “Inhale and exhale.” This is normal for UWA freshman Sarah McMillion on race day. She constantly overthinks and worries about her performance. Her nerves even cause her to wake up early to prepare.…
One time when I challenged my own beliefs, I questioned my own skills. It was one of the most crushing and confusing moments of my life. I was indecisive, hesitant, and most certainly doubtful. I couldn’t even imagine myself, an inexperienced sophomore, working in a career major that I’ve never even thought of doing in the first place.…
Ellison's "Battle Royal" and Kincaid's "Girl" were extremely difficult but interesting novels. As I explored these readings, I realized that they had some differences and similarities, but the one's that stood out, helped me get a better understanding of what these individual characters were facing. They displayed very distinct themes However, uncovered very similar social settings.…
Located in New York, the cultural and financial capital of the world, I know that my time at Columbia will be both productive and enjoyable.…
This quote uses metaphor to further the understanding of Antonia’s character and her portrayal in the novel. Jim Burden in this passage is contemptibly looking back on the awe that Antonia once made him feel throughout their childhood. This serves to exasperate Antonia’s representation as a loving mother figure. We see how she takes care of her children and how her loving nature has manifested itself into sons who, “stood tall and straight”. She truly is a source of compassion which people draw from, hence why she is described as a rich mine of life. Her innate sense of affection for others also serves to explain why, even many years later, people from her childhood still remember her. Jim Burden, Lena, and the narrator in the introduction…
Sitting in class, everyone is done and I haven't even got started because school is different for me. It takes more for me to understand and two times longer for me to finish. My full name is Martika Jannelyn Lane, I am 17 years old and I've lived in Hood River my whole life. Welcome to meeting me.…
Everybody wants to age successfully and live forever. But would you really want to live forever if you were not happy and felt alone? My grandmother was born on June 1st, 1920 in Detroit, Illinois. Being one of seven kids, she strived to be independent and immersed herself in music.…
Antonia would identify with Jim’s version of happiness. Antonia had been deprived of basic human needs throughout her childhood. The beginning of this story shows the extreme poverty Antonia’s family had to suffer. Antonia was an astute and crafty young girl whose happiness was produced not by wealth but by simple things like friendship and the love a father has for his daughter. Antonia could have always complained but she understood that her parents did the best that they could. Antonia did not have a proper bed to sleep in or appropriate clothing for the weather. When her father promised to make a hat for her she was overjoyed, which showed how simple things made her happy. Antonia and Jim are very similar. Jim loves the crisp, cool, and sweet smelling air and his grandmother’s biscuits. Antonia enjoyed learning new things like cooking and how to read. Antonia isn’t boastful and ungrateful like her mother. Antonia is honest, grateful, and kind. Antonia loves to roam the property with her…
In March 2011, I took a few days of classes and received my hunting education certification. Looking back, the actual class time is just a blur of what not to do, but I was reminded of them when I took drivers education last December, with the what not to do teachings. I also remember being very nervous about the test, but having a great feeling when I learned I passed. That October, I remember being immensely excited to go on my first hunt. The night before my dad and I left, I had a parent teacher conference and I remember getting some strange looks in the parking lot because we had a trailer loaded with tents, four wheelers, chairs, and a bunch of other stuff…