I can remember when I did my undergrad internship at a rehabilitation center; the Physical Therapist explained to me that if a person has ruptured their Achilles tendon, calf raises were one the best exercises. This exercise was potentially one of the best due to it strengthening the gastrocnemius and soleus muscles. He also explained that many runners should focus on strengthening exercises, simply because of the wear and tear running they are more susceptible to this type of injury.…
If I went to MICA High, I would definitely try to be Stargirl’s friend. Since I have read the book from Leo’s perspective, I know more about Stargirl than anyone else in MICA High. I have read about her room, her office, and her personality, and I know that she is someone that I would like to have in my life. She constantly cheers you up and changes your life for the better. She’s simple, yet complicated, in a way that makes you feel enlightened. This is a person that I would love to befriend. However, barely anyone at MICA High appreciates Stargirl’s unique personality. I believe that they are much too hard on her She doesn't deserve all of this hate.…
I was a percussionist during my high school tenure. As a school musician during my freshman year, I was in the high school band at both Northwest Christian and Dayton Christian. I went to Northwest during the first two quarters of my freshman and the high school band only had one concert, Then, I switched over to Dayton Christian during the last two quarters of my freshman year. The Dayton Christian High School Band was much larger than Northwest’s and performed two concerts, one at the Dayton Christian Cafeteria, and one out at Cedarville University. During my sophomore year at Dayton Christian, I was part of the high school band and the pep band. I was a bass drummer during pep band season; we performed at a stadium in Monroe every home football…
For the past two years, on the 1st Monday of the month I have participated in Site Council meetings at my high school along with other Associated Study Body (ASB) members, our principal, school administrators, parents, and teachers. Frequently it was brought up that minorities were not as involved in our school as majority groups. ASB has always been dominated by white students and as a Latina, I found it very intimidating when I joined.…
Carrie rushes to class as she hears the minute bell ring. Its her first day attending Willow Canyon High School. Her first class is ceramics, she loves hands on projects so she believes that this class will be her favorite. On her schedule it says all 7 classes: Period 2- English, Period 3- Algebra 1-2, Period 4- Lunch, Period- 5 Money Management, Period 5- Biology, Period 7- Girls P.E. She is very excited for this year to start.…
During my current four years of high school, I have come to a conclusion that life is hard and the decisions you make are very important. This is my last year of high school and I’m the first one to graduate from my family. My grandmother tends to tell me that I don’t need college just a simple 7 month course of medical assistant or dentist assistant and not waste any more money. I’m lost, I wish people could help me out and tried to guide me in the direction of the right decision but is my life and choices. There has been times that my grandmother has told me that I am not going to be somebody in the future.…
Supervision is a very important part of becoming a licensed counselor. It has been noted that internships (because of the supervision) are where future counselors gain the skills needed to be effective counselors and therefore, internships are the “primary training ground for mental health counselors” (Nelson et al., 2000).…
In four years when I read this I honestly won’t be surprised if nothing really changes. I can’t see myself changing in any major ways. I will always love sports, hunting, fishing guns and anything that has four wheels. I sure I will still not understand the point of reading books for school and writing long papers about things that I don’t exactly care or relate to me. Although, in order for this letter to do it’s job in four years I need to start from the beginning.…
Living through both ends of the spectrum and finding a happy medium that I call my own has been one of my biggest struggles through my teenage years. Growing up with an African-American father and a Caucasian mother has showed me the ups and downs of both. However, during junior high I found it difficult to figure out where I fit in because I always seemed to be the oddball out.…
Something that often goes unnoticed in my life is the amazing Catholic education I received at St. Francis Xavier High School. Essentially, Xavier provided the opportunity to grow in my faith as well as to form a strong moral grounding. Each year, theology classes helped me not only to understand my own faith, but to understand others as well. These classes taught me to respect and accept others even if they are very different from me. Likewise, the theology classes and numerous opportunities to worship offered me an opportunity to strengthen my Catholic values including acceptance, kindness, and dedication. Overall, the faith life at Xavier provided me with the tools to lead a moralistic life. In addition, St. Francis Xavier High School…
For this assignment I originally was going to interview someone from the Iowa Speedway, but it was kind of hard to find a good contact that could take the time to talk with me. Then I remembered that my uncle, Luke Stand, has been a hockey lover all his life and knew he had a few positions as a sports business professional and coach. So I gave him a phone call and discussed his past and present in sports.…
This new school year I hope to befriend new people, engage with more clubs and activities, continue to work hard on homework, and to find time to lift during school. When I accomplish one of these goals, I will reward myself with various things. I know that if I give myself time I will be able to achieve at least one of my goals this…
Some of the best advice given to me is to step out of my comfort zone and try new things. Since freshman year, I have been very involved in the activities at Colfax High School. But looking back on it, the extracurriculars that I joined on a whim were the ones that have influenced me the most. One of those extracurriculars was pole vaulting. I originally joined track to run distance and stay in shape for cross country, but on my first day of track, I learned that there was a new coach who was trying to revive a radically different field event, the pole vault. With no knowledge of the sport, I tried it out, and was hooked after the first jump. Since then, I personally know multiple Olympic gold medalists in both men’s and women’s pole…
As a upcoming sophomore and old freshman, I have completed one year of school at University Heights High School. Last year, as a freshmen, I feel as though I did a substandard job. While I did pass all my classes, and completed most of the work, I feel as though I procrastinated a lot which impacted the grades I got. I feel as though if I hadn't waited to the last minute to complete most of my assignments, I could have analyzed and corrected a lot of silly mistakes and spelling errors. These errors and mistakes, eventually accumulated during time and made me get lower grades. This year, as a sophomore, I am determined to do…
I have had the pleasure of experiencing two different unique counseling internships. The practicum experience I received in both placements has been rewarding, educational, and challenging. Though both experiences differed greatly in environment they both possessed the same qualities which assisted me in the process of becoming a counselor.…