ENG 110: College Writing
Life Shaping Experience – Personal Narrative
There has been many life-shaping/life changing experiences in my life however if I have to pinpoint to one specific moment where I knew that my life as a child will be over was when I was 12 years old. My sister, grandmother and I just came back from spending 3 weeks in Nicaragua. I loved it so much I wanted to stay. A week or two after the family trip, my grandmother fell down concrete stairs and was pronounced dead once she went to the hospital. My life as a child or more likely my childhood was gone. At that moment I had to grow up, clean my house, take care of my sister, go to school and cook dinner.
I am now 28 years old and still remember …show more content…
I spoke how kind hearted she was, so patient and loving. She gave her last years to my sister and I. My family grew apart. No more family dinners or holidays together. She was the glue that held everything together. The next 6 or 7 years were hard on my sister and I. Even though we always had a bed to sleep in, we were always going house to house. We didn’t really had a home. We were basically left on our own like orphans. I took care of my grandfather, always worked, went to church and at the age of 18 gave birth to a beautiful healthy boy. I grew up too fast without realizing what to do or how to do it. However I remember her teachings and the way she cared for all her grandkids and I applied everything that was taught to my son. My son at the age of 2 was formally diagnosed with mild autism. I have to admit my life has never been full of roses but my grandmother made it worthwhile. She would have fell in love with my son. He looks just like my father (my father was murdered when I was 8 months old). The strength I receive every day to take care of my family is from my 12 years of life with my grandmother. The day she died changed my life forever but it also taught me many things. I agree that I grew a little too fast but everything happens for a reason. I will not be given a cross to bear that I am not able to handle. I can handle many situations and I thank my grandmother for that since I am a