That point of my life inspired a new dream within me, I wanted to be a cardiologist.
One year later, my dad faced another traumatic experience. It all started with throwing up, visit to gastroenterologist, elevated enzymes and then sonograms that depicted a solid mass in his left kidney. Sonograms drifted us towards the urologist, my dad had a left renal tumor. The tumor was 8.4 cm. As it was enormous , the Doctors didn’t take a risk and suggested a “Complete Nephrectomy”. A Nephrectomy is suggested to treat kidney cancer or to remove a seriously damaged or diseased kidney. Fortunately, a new technique for nephrectomy was introduced using robots. The surgeons did not risk doing a partial nephrectomy. If a partial nephrectomy was carried out, the team would run the risk of spreading a potential / most likely cancer. After the procedure, they send the solid mass for Biopsy. Astoundingly, a lab report declared that the tumor was benign. My motivation and passion towards the medical field was so strong that this propelled me into the Bio-Med program in high school. The Bio-Med students are exposed to a science enforced curriculum. That means, being taught new things and going in depth in the origins of life. I still