Hearing about my mother’s experiences in her youth with her manic-depressive mother gave me a twisted misconception about how mental illness took over lives. When an urgent care counselor talked with me about the possibility of me having bipolar disorder in grade ten, this vision seemed to become a reality. Nightmarish visions of myself being subjugated to electroshock therapy and taking medication leading to me losing all personality I had quickly flooded my head. Out of fear I refused to see that counselor or any mental health professional again. This kneejerk reaction forced me to fall victim to my illness. My academic standing fell as the mania prevented me from focusing on my schoolwork, and the depression kept me from even getting out of bed to study. Worse than that, however, the relationships I had with my friends were strained. Without them knowing about my condition, they quickly became intolerant of my cyclic moods and seemingly irrational behavior. I grew distant from my friends, and this led me to feel more alone than ever. The twisted reality I had constructed around mental illness had seemed to become
Hearing about my mother’s experiences in her youth with her manic-depressive mother gave me a twisted misconception about how mental illness took over lives. When an urgent care counselor talked with me about the possibility of me having bipolar disorder in grade ten, this vision seemed to become a reality. Nightmarish visions of myself being subjugated to electroshock therapy and taking medication leading to me losing all personality I had quickly flooded my head. Out of fear I refused to see that counselor or any mental health professional again. This kneejerk reaction forced me to fall victim to my illness. My academic standing fell as the mania prevented me from focusing on my schoolwork, and the depression kept me from even getting out of bed to study. Worse than that, however, the relationships I had with my friends were strained. Without them knowing about my condition, they quickly became intolerant of my cyclic moods and seemingly irrational behavior. I grew distant from my friends, and this led me to feel more alone than ever. The twisted reality I had constructed around mental illness had seemed to become