I could feel from day one that a fast-flowing river of anxiety had gushed over my head. Standardized test such as the SAT’s, ACT’s, and AP exams, college pressure, the endless speeches from my teachers and principals about the importance of academics and career searching was now added to my agenda. Days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months, and my stress level continued to grow. I became extremely engrossed and focused on my school work, and it consumed my time to a point where my parents became very concerned for my health. I was staying up late studying and finishing my homework for the next day, sometimes into the early hour of the morning because I would work ahead in classes before finishing my essential studies for the next day. I found myself on several occasions starting to fall asleep in my second period physics class because I had not gotten a good night’s sleep. There were some nights where I would not even see my dad…
Have you ever had a reoccurring challenge in your life? The one that sticks out the most is my challenge to still get on and ride with my knee. Every time I ride it could be my last. I still get back on every time though.…
To accomplish my goal I did some refreshment my nursing skill and producers before clinical. I reviewed my nursing skill and procedure to refresh my brain about how to administer parental injection, the right site for IM and S/C, and size and length of needles. I reviewed my health and physical assessment videos and review my nursing skill notes how to assess head to toe and pain scale, Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) and CIWA Scale which helped me a lot to refresh my skills. Also, I looked up my previous clinical worksheets which reminded me some nursing diagnosis and…
When I went in for my appointment with a mental health counselor, all I was given was a name, Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD). I was not given any specific way to get better, and I slowly realized that if I was going to get better, it would be up to me. I need to be more honest with myself and who I am. After today, this diagnosis became a part of who I was. From here on, I need to focus on becoming the best version of myself. Sometimes it is too much for me to deal with on my own, so I put my worries onto other people. I can’t do that anymore because I lost so many friends from this. Today was a start. Even though this is just a step, I am still moving…
In my lifetime,I was struggling with depression and I didn’t have very many people to talk to about it,it all started in junior high up until now.I felt like nobody liked me or just simply didn’t like me in general but that’s not the only reason I also think negative all the time.Over time I just have to learn that life is hard and I may fall down but I just have to pick myself back up.My life hasn’t always been easy I don’t really talk to many people like I use to I don’t even go out of the house anymore other than school I constantly isolate myself in my room and never come out I just trap myself in there I don’t even talk to my parents really because of this.I eventually started overcoming it I mean I still don’t talk to many people but…
Depression is a very serious thing ,I should know especially because I’ve gone through and still deal with depression in my life. The first time depression hit he the hardest that left me at a point of a life changing decision not just for myself but for the people around me was during near the end of my seventh grade year. Events took place before that event I was told I was probably going to have to move schools the next year leaving my friends behind and having to be alone with no one. That year ended and I was left thinking I was going to be alone and I lost a few people who meant alot to me. During the summer things got worse. I was alone only able to think about what had happened and not having anyone to talk to ,I truly felt alone.…
Success through struggle is a story of one young soldiers attempt at something great. Through the struggles that I endure in this story of my attempts of joining an elite military organization are a testament to Army Values and the warrior ethos. You will learn that even if you do not succeed at first you will find success in other avenues. This story is not for quitters it is for those who enjoy tales that show triumph of the mind, body, and spirit.…
I used to live my life in fear. With every step I took, I felt like I was disappointing someone, somewhere, whether it be my family or some stranger I saw walking down the halls. My existence was one big failure, and I never really understood why I expected so much of myself.…
Ariane Waters is 21 years of age and is a female patient who is admitted to the hospital with the diagnosis of infective endocarditis. Ariane had her tongue and nose pierced 6 weeks ago. The drug screen is negative. She presents with tricuspid insufficiency murmur grade II, and a temperature of 104°F. The patient complains of extreme fatigue, and anorexia. The echocardiogram reveals vegetations on the tricuspid valve.…
My emotional wellness has come so far for my goals. I have learned to accept myself for my body and my mind. On Halloween, I wore my Wonder Woman costume without a second thought. Every day I dress up for myself and no longer care about the opinion of others when I look in my closet. My value always counted on my grades and test scores since elementary school. These days I still value my grades, but do not value my personal worth solely on them.…
Life is full of risks. And not all risks are predictable. The first and the biggest crisis in my life happened a few days after the fifteenth birthday. I was diagnosed with a kind of cancer and took a year off from middle school to have chemotherapy after surgery. Fortunately, I was on the mend after hospitalizing for the first three months, so I received the outpatient treatment after that. Now it was time to go back to school. However, I had a lot of different thoughts running through my mind. I no longer wanted to take my life for granted. Instead, I wanted to be stronger and challenge myself. So I decided to go on to high school in the abroad. I persuaded my parents for six months and they finally agreed to let me move to New York! It was…
Like many, I could use this opportunity to brag about my academic or extracurricular achievements, but in doing so I would be omitting a defining factor of my life thus far-anxiety. While not completely aware of it, I have spent a majority of my highschool career in a state of constant anxiety. Similar to others who suffer from generalized anxiety disorder, I am prone to feeling overwhelmed when making decisions or presenting myself in communal settings. As a result, I found myself overwhelmed and struggling with the start of secondary school. My disquieted tendencies made me wary of expanding my comfort zone, in turn stunting my own personal growth over the past few years. Subsequently, I have spent a long time attempting to beat my anxiety.…
A recipe for susess is inportant, because it is planning for your future. When you plan for your future, there will be a greater possibility that you will acjive your goals. When a person knows exactly what it is that they want to do, and when they want to do it, the person is more likely to follow through with their plans. Planning my recipe for secsuss is inportant to me because, after highschooll I want to go to collage, and have a well paying job someday. People do not come to wealth by fortune, but they planned their own recipe for secsuess. By planning their recipe they set themselves up for their own secsess and greatness. I plan on creating my own recipe for my own personal greatness and secsess.…
“I can’t wait to be a senior” was something I would say whenever I walked into my anatomy class full of seniors who did nothing at all but every time I would Jesslyn would stop me, cock her eyebrow, make a ‘you are kidding me right?’ face and say “be careful what you wish for” and I’m now understanding what she meant. Learning responsibility, independence, and how to deal with stress is the most difficult for me coming into senior year.…
My personal health is not the way it should be right now. When I signed up for this class I was hoping it would help me with my weaknesses. A lot of my friends go and work out mostly everyday and I always tell myself that I am going to but I never do. I have always wanted to make myself get on a routine and workout or eat healthy and lose weight. Keeping up with school, my job, and a sorority is not that easy, the last thing on my mind is being healthy. Sleep overrides everything in my world I love it so much! Even though I say I want to be like someone else this situation is different. I would love to have a routine by the fall, maybe lose 20 pounds, and eat healthier.…