Common Interest Club. After that, I publicized it. I started by designing attractive eye catching posters. I hung the posters all around the school in main areas. Next, I spoke with teachers about the club and sold them on the idea. I also went to the guidance department and advertised the club to the counselors. I asked if they could spread the word to everyone; especially those they would recommend. The name Common Interest Club quickly radiated throughout the school. It was on all of the announcements, walls, and classrooms. The next step was establishing a first meeting. The first meeting was on a Thursday afternoon, a week after quarterlies.
I had brought cupcakes, snacks, and drinks to share. I did an abundance of research on icebreaker questions. There were hundreds of questions to choose from. I chose about fifteen questions that seemed to give the most information about each other and what we liked to do. I then printed out a stack of them. The meeting began directly after school at 2:30. I introduced myself and my counselor who had been helping me throughout the process of organizing the club. I handed out the sheets, pencils, and supplied snacks. We waited until everyone finished filling the sheets out. We then went around the room and shared our answers and feedback. We all seemed to have learned a little bit about each other. The next step was deciding how often we wanted to meet. It was voted that we would meet every other Thursday until the end of the
year. In the following weeks, we met, ate some snacks, talked, and played some board games. We played team building games and brain testers. Playing Scattergories was interesting because we all could see how differently we think. We also played physical games such as scavenger hunts and drawing games that made students pair up into teams and work with each other to win. This continued for the remainder of the school year. By the end of the school year, I was looking to plan a concluding event. We decided a movie would be best. At one of our final meetings, we each wrote down our favorite movie genre and three favorite movies. Next, we chose one genre and chose movies in that genre. We concluded with choosing Angels in the Outfield. We set the date as the last day of classes. I went and bought microwave popcorn for everyone. Since it was an older movie, we watched it in the auditorium on the projector. It was even better than what you would see in a movie theater. Everyone seemed to have a great time. Next year, I plan to start the club in the begging of the school year so that incoming freshmen can join. In addition, I would like to try to elect some club positions such as vice president and secretary so that meetings can happen even when I am unable to attend.