The next day, I woke up feeling offbeat. The sun was shining through my curtains, but I was feeling chills in the middle of a sunny August day. I felt my arms and realized I was covered in goose bumps. I screamed for my mom asking her to check my temperature. She came in with a thermometer and took my temperature. She said in almost a dismay that I had a fever of 101.6°. She immediately told me to take some Advil and drink warm green tea. My mom insisted …show more content…
I was always the visitor, because someone I knew was sick. The emergency room was quite unsettling. I saw people who were in worse condition than me. The lady across from me had a broken neck and the man beside her was vomiting blood. I hate to admit it, but seeing that people there were in worse condition than me was rather comforting. As a result, I did not mind the wait. It took the doctor an hour to see me. He brushed it off as nothing was wrong and it was just a virus, but he sent a nurse to do some bloodwork. A nurse came in and poked me with a needle to draw some blood from me. I was kind of scared of getting my result back, because I was still adamant that I was dying. The nurse came back and casually told me that my blood work was abnormal. I was having a meltdown inside, but I kept a calm composure. She said that another nurse would come in and perform an EKG on me. The EKG nurse arrived and wasted no time in hooking a bunch of cold wires to my chest to check the electrical activity of my heart. Turns out my heart was not beating normally either. I thought to myself “What else could possibly go wrong?”. I had thought that question to soon. The nurse with a smile continued to tell me that the doctor thinks I have a pulmonary embolism. She further explained that basically means I have a blood clot in my lung, but it was highly unlikely that at my age I had it. My mom asked her what could have possibly caused a …show more content…
I was back to my normal self and felt lively. Eventually, my family doctor called me and told me that my CT scan results were in. However, they were blurry. She said not to worry if I’m feeling better we could forget about it. I had never been more thankful about being well. Reflecting back to this horrific week of my life, I now understand the importance of being healthy and staying positive. I could have avoided my fear and anxiety by simply not depending on a diagnosis Google gave me. Also, it reminded me that being young is no excuse to take your health for