It was large enough that it ended up making us lose power, but the way everything is wired at my house, allowed our land line to continue working, which is how I got The Call. It was late at night, the wind was blowing, the storm was raging, and the power was out. Everyone in my house was in the basement bailing water, or holding flashlights so the people bailing could see where the water laid. Suddenly, the phone starts to ring, I run upstairs to get it. It was Shayanna. She had called to tell me that I had made the part of Susan in the play if I was interested. I went and got my mom, who was sopping up water with some towels at the time, and told her that Shayanna wanted me to play the part of Susan, and that Shayanna would like to talk to her. We went to a read through of the play that was at her house, so everyone who was in it could get their script, and meet their fellow cast members. It was all very enjoyable, everyone there was nice, and all had some funny, weird quirks that made that practice, and all other ones after the fact hilarious, if somewhat
It was large enough that it ended up making us lose power, but the way everything is wired at my house, allowed our land line to continue working, which is how I got The Call. It was late at night, the wind was blowing, the storm was raging, and the power was out. Everyone in my house was in the basement bailing water, or holding flashlights so the people bailing could see where the water laid. Suddenly, the phone starts to ring, I run upstairs to get it. It was Shayanna. She had called to tell me that I had made the part of Susan in the play if I was interested. I went and got my mom, who was sopping up water with some towels at the time, and told her that Shayanna wanted me to play the part of Susan, and that Shayanna would like to talk to her. We went to a read through of the play that was at her house, so everyone who was in it could get their script, and meet their fellow cast members. It was all very enjoyable, everyone there was nice, and all had some funny, weird quirks that made that practice, and all other ones after the fact hilarious, if somewhat