As her thoughts clear of the expected grief for her husband, they're replaced by an honest taboo of relief and happiness. When I first read this, I was taken aback because it seemed a bit inappropriate. While I still feel that way, her words “There would be no powerful will bending hers in that blind persistence with which men and women believe they have a right to impose
a private will upon a fellow-creature” resonated with me. It was very unexpected but so true. I've never thought about it but now I certainly won't be able to forget it. You get a very intimate glimpse into her personality during her inner dialogue and realize that she's not the weak woman everyone around her treats her as. As soon as we are given that realization, we learn her name.
The weak woman with the weak heart suddenly becomes empowered at the thought of being widowed and living alone. She's found a new purpose for life and disregards the love she had for her husband. Her death is almost made to look like punishment for her crude thoughts and newfound personal liberty.
An added bit of twisted humor was the fact that her husband was told that his wife, having just been given the news of his death, died of joy. So terrible but such a great read.