According to Lisa Newman, what it means, being American is that she truly believes that we line in the best nation in the world.
She comes to realize that we clearly have many societal issues that need to improve, but the opportunities like education and career that our nation offers far exceed most other countries in the world. Mrs. Newman accept to be very proud to be an American, for her parents being able to flourish and excel when they moved to this country, and have instilled in her a strong belief that you can achieve anything you want to do in the US. Her vision for the future, she strongly believes that she wants to continue inspiring students at AHS to fulfill their dreams and become productive, compassionate people in our society. Considering how she thinks what it means to be an American, is to have a great education and never judge a person of who they are or where they came
Of course in American racial discrimination did had a struggle towards her parents when they first came to the United States. According to her parents, her father did experience a little bit of discrimination in Minnesota where he first lived in the US. There weren’t many Asian Americans in the medical school that he went to in Minnesota, so he definitely felt like he stood out. Overall in American you had to understand the language and custom, which her father did learn English and our American customs quickly, however on the bright side did felt accepted by his fellow peers. During the interview she explained what it means to be happy in American, she was happy that she got married and graduated from her college like most people in America education is the most important part of life that we all as human beings can understand.