The wheels broke every branch it had gotten in contact with. Going 60 mph, no helmet, and my hair reaching my lower back flying through the air. All came to an abrupt stop by an old, reddish, rusted barbed wired fence cutting away at my neck.
I usually get asked about the three big scratches on my neck about five times a day so I remember the incident like if it was yesterday. The accident occurred when I was eleven. As a child when someone asked me what happened I enjoyed making up stories like I got into a fight with a bear or a tiger attacked me. As I explain the real story I tend to smile and laugh so I think about my accident positively instead of negatively. So what really happened? It was seven years ago, in the sun blazed summer I visited my …show more content…
While there we also visited my grandpa who lived on a ranch where it rained avocadoes. Gates that had grown green and fluffy moss at the corners opened up. I saw two monster, bright, neon green four wheelers. My heart beating and being the daredevil of my siblings I was jumping with excitement! Once we were all settled two of my older cousins decided to start the four wheelers up. As I heard the engines roar to life my cousins hollered who wanted a ride. The rest of my cousins beat me to the line and I was last. Standing there impatiently waiting and watching as they sped off into the trees and not returning for about twenty minutes each. The anticipation was killing me! While kicking dirt around I heard the engine coming from a distance, Finally my turn! To my luck my cousins were tired and hopped off the motors. My excitement crushed instantly. My dad came to the rescue and told me he would take me. Excitement