Have you ever been put in a situation that you get butterflies from how nervous you are? Because that’s the kind of situation I was brought upon. My friend had asked me for a favor, the kind of favor that you can get in a lot of trouble for. He has been my friend since elementary school, yet me, and him were never close. But he asks me to pick something up for him, while he had to take care of something. He said he would cut me off, but I didn’t want to get in trouble. …show more content…
And while I was super ecstatic at my choice to not help him, I felt bad when my other friend that did the job for him was pulled over due to the information given to the cops and he was caught with a lot. And he didn’t get in as much trouble if I wasn’t know that the other kid was in charge of the deal. But still it was bad for him and he did time, and his parents had to post a very expensive bail for him. That could have been me, and my parents would have killed me. As I see all of this on my twitter time line my phone starts to ring and I freeze in shock and I am scared. Turns out to be a family member my 2nd cousin Chris had just been rushed to the hospital and his family didn’t know what had happened so in my head I am thinking this Is what I get for lying about having a family member in the hospital. It has not been a good day at