take the chance of having my own computer away from me, or if they’re actually serious. And I’m not even sure they’ll let me buy it myself because of how mad they seemed at me for it. But they can’t restrict me from using my own money, can they? They’ve done it before but are they even allowed to do that because it’s the money that I’ve earned from work and making honor roll and other things like that. So if I earn it myself it should be mine to spend on what I wish right? But I’m sure if I give this argument to them they will just push it to the side like always and say they can do whatever they want with it.
It just confuses me so much how mad they were at me for it. Honestly it seems like they just let out all their built up anger that has combined itself together over about five years. They also say I have a problem, and I can’t disagree with them because it seems like I’ve honestly drifted away from my family for a while so I think I’ve decided that I’m going to take a break from playing games on the computer which I’m not gonna lie is gonna be extremely hard for me but I’m gonna try my hardest to stick with it.